What is CBT
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a talking therapy based on scientific principles and which research has shown to be effective in the treatment of a wide range of difficulties.
It is recommended by NICE as the first choice in the treatment of Depression and Anxiety (NICE, May 2011).
CBT is based on the idea that the way we feel is affected by our thoughts and beliefs, and by how we behave.
CBT helps you identify and change your own unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaving.
Client and therapist work together in a structured way to achieve agreed therapy goals and problem solving.
CBT is also recognised as the most beneficial therapy for combating Anxiety as it encourages people to overcome their irrational fears and self-limiting beliefs .
Anyone can benefit from CBT. You don’t have to have a diagnosis of any condition to gain from CBT therapy as it can be applied to everyday stresses, problems and life situations.
Those who receive the greatest benefit come along to therapy well motivated and willing to change. It does not matter what your background is as long as you have the desire to get better .
There are a variety of proven strategies and interventions within the therapy that can help with a range of emotional or mental difficulties.
CBT can help you
- Change your own unhelpful, self defeating patterns of thinking and behaving
- Develop new coping skills for new challenges
- Improve your emotional wellbeing
- Improve Self Esteem
- Improve your problem solving ability
- Gain greater control over your moods and behaviour
You can access CBT through
- One to one counselling . Group work.